New Website; New Work; New Year

>> Monday, December 20, 2010

New Website - - is now live! There are now excerpts available from Roast and Hymn as well as an all-new short story entitled "Our House is Sound" from the forthcoming short story collection We Tremble As We Sink.

Speaking of We Tremble As We Sink, my short story collection set in the Okefenokee Swamp of south Georgia is coming along nicely. Several stories are in the editing stages and many more are swirling around in my head. The stories range from expositions into the cultivation of the bog's horticulture to gruesome accounts of mayhem and murder to insights on familial bonds. Expect the collection out in Summer 2011, and keep checking back for new updates.

Also, be sure to "like" the new site and get the word out.

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